
The Ekklesia Will Change History

Voices: Barbara Wentroble, Chuck Pierce
Date Given: July 14, 2024

Barbara Wentroble – We are in a time where we better be where God wants us to be. We better do whatever it takes to get us where we need to be. We can’t say, “I don’t have enough money.” Go sell something in your house. You probably got more stuff there than you need anyway. As we gathered together yesterday, it was a gathering of the Ekklesia. I won’t go through all that happened, but right at the end, four o’clock, four o’clock central time, five o’clock Eastern time, we were loosing the voice of the Ekklesia into the atmosphere. Pulling down witchcraft, Jezebel, all those spirits that have tried to control this nation. It was the very moment that we learned later, the shooter was getting in position. We were not the only ones doing that. I’m sure there were intercessors all over this nation

Chuck Pierce – But you never know whether you were the only ones or not.

Barbara Wentroble – July the 13th will go down in history. We had no clue when we scheduled that months ago where we would be in that moment. But I’m saying God is positioning his people and he is loosing the voice of the Ekklesia that’s getting ready to change history. History could have gone in a different direction, but for the Ekklesia and the voice of the Lord, that is stronger

Chuck Pierce – Put your hand on somebody. Say that’s you.

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