
The Kingdom of Heaven Operates on Exchange

Voices: Chuck Pierce
Date Given: September 11, 2022

Chuck Pierce – The kingdom of heaven doesn’t operate out of need. And that’s important for us to remember. You know, so many times we look out, I looked out this week at something and I thought, “Oh, Lord, the need and the responsibility is overwhelming.” And the Lord had to remind me, the kingdom of heaven operates on exchange. He gave. He gave To exchange His life for our lives. He gave so we would multiply. So we would overtake. And so how the Word of God works when you seek Him is, this morning in Proverbs I read this, “There’s one who scatters yet increases more. There’s one who withholds more than is right but that leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich and he who waters will also be watered himself.” I really like it in the New Living translation. “Give freely and become more wealthy. “Be stingy and lose everything.” So really His giving was His best.

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