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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Linda Heidler
Date Given: March 22, 2020
Chuck Pierce – Now hear what’s being said. Even the nations are saying, “We’re at war “with invisible forces.” I decree right now the warrior spirit within God’s people will rise up. If you’ve been afraid to enter in and speak and decree and use that sword outta your mouth, renounce that. Say, “I will no longer be afraid.” Speak that word that God has put down deep within you. I decree right now, triumph is coming. Marty Cassidy just wrote in and said, “Warrior angels “are being released. “Warrior angels are being released.” Let the spirit of Revelation rest on you.
Keevy Phillips- The Lord is saying even now, “If you would worship in war “and praise Me for seven days straight, I will begin “to turn this situation around.” The Lord says you are fighting an invisible war but you’re the invisible force that’s gonna push this out of your land, says the Lord. Seven days straight of no complaining, of no murmuring, but only praise, and effectual prayer. Seven straight days whether you have to do it, get by yourself, turn off the news and praise him. Seven straight days and you will begin to see this turn around. We are pressing towards passover. That’s what this virus is about, it’s tryin’ to stop us from entering into passover. Entering into the blood of the lamb. “Seven days straight, praise, praise, and war until this thing leaves our land”, says the Lord.
Linda Heidler – Cheryl Price sent this out this week of something that the Lord said to her and it just fits with what Keevy released. She said, “Now God has given us dominion over all “that He has made. “He’s put everything under our feet. “Let’s arise now with this truth working through us. “Job 22:28 says, ‘You will decree a thing ” ‘and it shall be established ” ‘and light will shine on your ways.’ “Wasn’t this the key verse spoken “at our conference last weekend with Chuck Pierce “and Bobby Connor? “Join us in unity to decree daily, morning, noon, and night “for the next seven days. “This territory belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. “By His shed blood we are the redeemed of the Lord “and His ambassadors on the earth.
“We repent of and cast away all unbelief “and fear from our lives. “We bind demonic spirits of fear, dread, confusion, “presumption, and panic working through our territory “in the name of Jesus. “We speak to the corona virus, you stop multiplying now “in Jesus name. “You see God’s eyes watching now, flee from His presence. “You stop your momentum now in Jesus name. “You will not advance. “We decree a covering of the blood of Jesus Christ “over every person and property in our entire territory. “We call on the angelic host, “God’s flaming ministering spirits to burn away “this epidemic by the power and fire of God. “To all of our anointed friends full of Holy Spirit, power, “and faith, let us move now in the authority He has given us “without holding back.”
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