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Voices: Chris Davidson, Chuck Pierce, Judy Block, Lisa Lyons, Mary Glazier, Penny Jackson, Venner Alston
Date Given: September 24, 2022
Chuck Pierce – “For I have a remnant that will endure their culture And, from that remnant I will arise a kingdom expression from every tribe, every tongue, every language. And, you will become one.”, sayth the Lord. Now, some of you right now, you’ve got that sound stirring in you. Let it out!
Chris Davidson – For the Lord says, “In this year, as you say yes you will tap into the frequency of heaven that when you release the wave, it will be the wave that affects everything in front of you. And, you will see the promises, you will see the blessings, you will see the anointings flow from you as you say yes and align with the frequency of heaven.”
Chuck Pierce – “Tune in”, sayth the Lord.
Venner Alston – For there is even a frequency that is coming up out of a people that we have not yet heard their name. And, I hear the Lord saying they have been the hidden ones. We have not yet heard their name. We have not yet heard the name of their tribe. But, their sound has come up to the Lord. And, He says “Watch now, even in the days ahead you will begin to hear the names of tribes that you did not previously know because, My sound, they have tuned in to My frequency and their voice has come up to the heavens” said the Lord.” One tribe connecting to another tribe connecting to another tribe. And, we will see the wave of praise the wave of miracles, the wave of the anointing as you join voices and hands together.
Judy Block – The Lord says, “Am I not the creator? Have I not said?” And it will be. The Lord says “I am the creator and I can do a new thing.” People have looked and said, “Where is the new?” I am creating a new frequency in My people that will disrupt the frequency of your enemies.
Chuck Pierce – All right!
Lisa Lyons- And, I hear the Lord saying that with your sound that is coming up, He said, “There are dead languages that I have been reviving. No language is dead with Me. And, as your sound rises, I will cause the sound of ancient language in ancient people groups who seem to be no longer living and no longer sounding.” God says, “I’m gonna join them together with those indigenous tribes and those indigenous peoples and there will be no dead language, for the life in My people will release the sound of those languages that have been caught and pent-up and were never allowed to release their worship in centuries past.”
Penny Jackson – And, there is a frequency and the Lord is speaking to this. But, I know that in us there is the human tendency to wanna understand it, to wanna know what it looks, like to try to put it in a box we can understand, but you can’t do that. We’ve never seen it, we’ve never seen what’s gonna happen. You need to let that go, because, you have got to let that go to get in touch with His frequency ‘cuz you don’t know it yet.
Chuck Pierce – Oh! “So, I say to the apostles, father and mother, that frequency that I’m sending, not that what you have longed to father and mother. Allow your children to resound. Allow your children to resound. I say, this will be a year of free expression. Allow your children to resound until their sound becomes My frequency” sayth the Lord. “I say to the teachers, Go to the fourth dimension of the word that you are teaching. Go down and then bring up that dimension that you have never brought up before.” “I say, the teachers will teach from a fourth dimension and the seers will come alive”, sayth the Lord.
Mary Glazier – Hallelujah. “There’s a new sound that’s been released in the Holy Ghost. If you lay hold of it this morning, no matter what your ethnic background is, there will be a vibration that will start in your innermost being. And, as you shout according to who you are, the reality of the power of a Holy Ghost in you, will activate the spirit of God in your area, And, your answers will come quickly”, sayth the Lord. “For I’m sending healing upon My people, I’m sending Holy Ghost anointing upon My people.” In this hour, I’m calling My people to the forefront to walk in a new arena of unity and faith and understanding. For the spirit of Lord would say, “I, the Lord your God is one God.”
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