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Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier
Date Given: January 5, 2025
LeAnn Squier – I had a dream, and in the first scene of the dream we were gathered and it was very informal and casual. It was just kind of, we were mixing and mingling and milling around. And from my vantage point, I began to catch sight of the back of a lion and his mane, and I could only see like the top as he moved through the midst of everyone. And it was not alarming, but it was kind of a bit of a wonder. And so he moved through these rooms and these people as I watched, and then that scene stopped and it changed. And in the next scene I was standing alone in a room and I was face to face with that lion. And he was squarely looking me right in the eyes. His eyes were so blue, they were just like a deep watery blue. And they were piercing, but yet full of love and faithfulness if you can imagine. Just so powerful. And as he’s just stood there, he didn’t say a word, not a word, but just the majesty of his presence as the king of the jungle. And so I’m looking at him alone and then I notice behind him is our little Frenchie pug dog. And my thought was, this is a real lion and I need to feed him first. He needs to be first in everything, because right now I perceive that if he wanted to, he could pick up that dog and have him for a snack. The power, the majesty, the muscularity of this lion as he looked me right in the eye. And I just knew the Lord was saying as we moved from the anointing, which I believe was scene number one. We’re milling around, he’s moving in our midst. He’s great, right, it’s wonderful. But as we move into the glory realm, it’s the protocol is a little different. He must be first, he must be first. Like he must, we must do for him first. We must honor him first, we must give to him first and that is how he will be fully satisfied.
Chuck Pierce – Wow, now, stand still. Let me prophesy that dream over us. For you have thought the enemy was roaring and roaming and stalking you, but I say I am roaming over you. I am watching you carefully this year for this is a year of grace that I have dedicated my people to Me, sayeth the Lord. I will see into things that have not been seen into. I will look deep into situations and circumstances that surround you. Therefore, you look deep with Me to interpret your circumstances. I say to you, I will draw my people to Me, for you are living in an era of face-to-face. And it is more important to Me that I look in your eyes and then you align with my eyes. I say to you, rest in Me, rest in Me. War to rest in Me, not war to overtake the enemy. For if you will rest in Me, I will prioritize your steps, sayeth the Lord. I say many of you are still unpositioned and not positioned properly, but I will order your steps. Many of you are still wondering over certain issues that I have shown you in past seasons. But I say I will look so deep into you that I will find the answer and draw it out of you, sayeth the Lord. For you are holding answers and keys and I want you to use the keys. I say, you will know My authorities and I will unlock yours this year, sayeth the Lord. So I say to you, rest in Me, and walk with Me, and the enemy that is stalking you and waiting to devour you, you will co-labor with Me to devour him, sayeth the Lord.
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