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Voices: Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier, Linda Heidler, Michelle Hadley, Stella Timmons
Date Given: April 3, 2022
Stella Timmons – I kept hearing Him this morning and especially when Chuck spoke before about passing over and crossing over this time. And when you begin to talk about course and what I heard the Lord say is that we will cross over in a way that we’ve never crossed over before. Because I hear the Lord saying that the water is deep and we’ve been afraid to wade out into the deep water. But because the floodgates are open, you will be able to swim. You will be able to cross over. You will swim out of circumstances and situations that have held you back. But the Lord saying, “It’s time to swim.” He’s saying, “Get up and dive into the water. Jump in into the water because you will make it. I’ve given you the course, and you will swim.”
LeAnn Squier – I heard the exact, exact words that she just spoke in the spirit. A few minutes, right before she spoke. And I just hear the Lord saying, “it’s safe for your children. The deep is a safe place for your children.” The deep of God is a safe place for your children. So don’t fear and don’t hold back. I’m telling you He’s gonna meet us in the waters.
Chuck Pierce – Growing up, when we had to cross a creek or cross a river, it wasn’t just the shallowest place you had to decide you were gonna cross. It had to be the right place to cross. And with that, you had to look at the other side, and get your bearings before you stepped in. And even though it might be deep deep, you knew that it was still the best place to get across so you could go forward on the other side. I break off the fear of the depths off of us. I decree right now, we’re finding our crossing places. They’re new and we’re moving into them and we will be safe if we will just cross over. Shout it, “We’re crossing over!”
Linda Heidler – There were some times when God parted the waters. He parted the waters of the red sea. He parted the waters of the Jordan. In fact, he parted the waters of the Jordan twice for Israel, and then for Elijah and Elisha. But there’s sometimes He doesn’t part the waters and He’s still saying, “Cross over.” And He’s saying, “This is a season when you need to be like the tribe of Gad, because they crossed the Jordan at flood stage. When it was the wildest and the deepest and the strongest current, they said “We are going across,” because they were going to coronate David as king. And they said, “We are crossing over to crown the king.” And Lord, we say, “This year, whether You part the waters, whether it’s at flood stage, no matter what, we are crossing over to crown You as king.”
Anne Tate – And the Lord says, “The waters have been created by the voice of many waters. And as you’ve praised me and as you have released the voice that I have in you that agrees with Me the many waters have been released.” And they are wild, and they are running. They are bubbling. They are overflowing for you in this season.
Michelle Hadley – And I also hear the Lord say, “Those that have the faith, He’s calling you to walk on the water. Walk on the water. “Some of you are gonna wade through the water,” God is saying, “but I call some of you to walk on the water.” Stir up your faith!
Chuck Pierce – Don’t look around you, just walk.
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