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Voices: Chuck Pierce, Darren Petersen, Keith Pierce, Susan Shaulis
Date Given: November 13, 2022
Susan Shaulis – I had a dream and woke to it yesterday morning. It was a very simple dream, and in that dream it was three dimensional. There was a sky, a cloud, and then fully formed eyeglasses were coming out of the cloud, And the Lord says, “I’m taking the cloud off of your vision.” And then as I prayed into that, you know how designers name’s are written on the arm of glasses, and the name that was written there was called Enhance Vision. He says, “I’m enhancing your vision to see My name beyond, and bring it here into this Earth realm.” He says, “Do not be dismayed by what you see right now. For I am the God of the future, and you are to go in and pull out, extract with that holy vision what I have already prepared and bring it here into this Earth realm, and watch the vision of this Earth begin to change.”
Chuck Pierce – Turn and pray over somebody and say, “Enhance Vision.” Speak those words into ’em. Enhance vision. Whoo. Spirit of God is saying all this this morning to us.
Keith Pierce – I gotta share something real fast. This morning when I turned into the parking lot and I’ve never ever noticed this, and this has never ever happened to me before as long as we’ve been out here. I turned into the parking lot and there’s this rock, and it’s got Global Spheres Center, but it’s extended in white letters from the rock. And the Lord spoke to me very, very clear this morning and He says, “Stop your car and extend your hands.” And that when I extended my hands He said, “The letters of the name of this place have extended from the rock. Today is a day that I am engraving them in My rock, where many have been extended in days ahead. Today is the day you will see them engraved and implanted in the rock of My name that they will be able to stand and stand securely in days ahead. I will enlighten them, on who they are and who they are not in Me, but who they are I have engraved on the palm of My hands now watch them engrave Me, engrave them in the rock of My name.”
Darren Peterson – So for this enhanced vision that we’re talking about, I saw something, my wife showed me something on the internet before I left for church this morning, and it was a pair of glasses that had mirrors in them so you could lay back and read your book while it was sitting like on your chest. And I just feel the Lord saying, “Don’t be deceived, enhanced vision and a new assignment does not mean you have to necessarily labor for that or work for that.” The Lord says, “Labor from a position of rest, see from a position of rest and see what He does.”
Chuck Pierce – And watch how creative I am to cause you to see, watch how creative I am to cause you to see.
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