
Your Daughters Will Be Like Pillars

Voices: LeAnn Squier
Date Given: January 7, 2024

LeAnn Squier – There’s a scripture that says, “Your daughters will be as pillars, “your daughters will be as pillars.” Pillars, pillars. And when I saw Amber, she was standing there, I just, I saw a pillar, and I was like, “That’s the word, Lord.” And it says, “You will be sculptured in palace style.”

[Church Member] Amen.

So these are not just daughters, these are daughters who are pillars and these daughters who are pillars are sculptured and not only are they sculptured, they’re sculptured in a palace style. Y’all, that’s a high level and there’s an uprightness in that, there’s a non-ambiguity in that. I don’t know, I just hear that word. A non-ambiguity. When you take your stand and you get established in your place, you won’t move because pillars don’t just cruise around. They know where they stand and they stand firm. But I’m telling you, there is going to be an extraordinary beauty of the Lord beginning to come on his daughters of his house.

Chuck Pierce – I love it. I love it.

Extraordinary beauty and I’m telling you, because the Bible says, “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Right? This is an inner beauty first of all. But it’s also that you haven’t been left as an orphan, that God has brought you into his palace and he has done his work. It’s just like Esther, she was in the treatments. She got her treatment. So she was palatial in her beauty and in that stunning dimension of the spirit and so Father, I just say right now, we just agree with you. I can’t even release it. I can only agree with what he’s saying over you.

Chuck Pierce – Yeah, that’s right.

We just agree.

[Chuck Pierce] All of you on the web.

We just agree with all of heaven, that that is your word and your word is forever established. And so Father, I thank you right now that your word never changes and these are the daughters that you’ve called out for this time to stand. But to stand in such a way that is so breathtaking, you’re gonna be breathtaking, you’re gonna be so glorious in the house and then in Psalm 45 it says, “The royal daughter is all glorious within the house.” So right now we just agree and we say, “Lord, we receive it.” You have to just open up your heart. Now, just receive that a download as being that daughter, that pillar, that glorious one in the house of God because he’s going to use you to hold some things in place, to hold some things up, to keep some things upright in this season. Thank you, Lord.

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