
Prosperity Comes by Getting Settled

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce
Date Given: February 12, 2023

Chuck Pierce – I just heard the Lord say, “Tell My people to get settled, to get settled. They keep running to and fro trying to get away from something and they will always be in something. So they need to get settled and they need to get grounded, for in days ahead, that’s how they’re gonna prosper.”

Keith Pierce – Today is a day that My eye is on the Isaacs, both physically and spiritually. There has been assignment against the Isaacs.

Chuck Pierce – Against your Isaac, never to break.

Keith Pierce – To rob them of their laughter because a cheerful heart is as good medicine. It is created a irregular heartbeat and I said, “Lord, what do I tell them to do?” And here’s why I’m giving y’all this word publicly. He said, “Tell them that there is a settling an arresting that I am bringing to them. Tell them to step from the left of worry into the right of faith and they will see their laughter restored. In the restoring of the laughter, it will create a pathway for an inheritance to be formed and for a reformation to occur. Lift up your Isaacs so that their heart can be reset today because I am coming with Holy Spirit to rest down over them, to reset the irregular beat, to establish a laughter that cannot be stopped in My Holy Name.” Lift up your Isaacs and lift up a shout.

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