
Rise Up and Hold Your Position

Voices: Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier
Date Given: October 27, 2024

LeAnn Squier – I hear the Lord saying, I’m giving you five smooth stones. I’m giving you five smooth stones. And the Lord said, It is a time for you to arise like you have never arisen before. And it’s like there is a new mantle coming down, even a mantle, a war mantle for this hour. The Lord says, You’re gonna roar over the people. You’re gonna roar over the body. You’re gonna tell the enemy, give them back to Me. You’re gonna take it back. Father, I thank you right now. There’s another anointing coming down on women this hour, and I’m telling you, the Lord says you are a pillar sculptured in palace style. Stand strong in the palace. Take a place that you’ve not even taken before because this is the hour for you to take it. Father, I thank you right now as you anoint this pillar in the house, Lord. Father, we just say right now, the five smooth stones from the brook that have been washed, they have been smoothed over. They have spent a lot of time in the water. Pam, you spent a lot of time in the water. God’s rubbed off all of your rough edges, baby. You are smooth and you are ready to loose that stone that will take down a giant.

LeAnne Squier – The Lord says, Let me smooth out all the rough edges. Get in the brook, get in the water, get in the river. Let me flow and flow and flow and flow. I’m gonna smooth you and turn you into a weapon of war.

Chuck Pierce – And this morning, the Lord said that, I can’t believe she’s prophesying this. The Lord said to me, Some of you have thought you’ve been on the shelf. I say, I’ve had you in the water and I’ve been making you smooth and I have your number. And when I call up your number, I say, come up. When I say come up this year, come up, and I say, you will be cast until that which has ruled your atmosphere you will overtake, sayeth the Lord. And I say, when I have finished polishing, you will be a secret weapon in my hand. And when I call your number and I send you forth and I cast you forth against the enemy, the enemy will disperse in 10,000 ways. I say, Claim your atmosphere today.

LeAnn Squier – And I just keep seeing this picture based on what was going on with Pam today. It’s like when you are in position, you can be in the kitchen and be in position. Do you hear me? You can be in your kitchen and be in position.

Tobias Lyons – I love it.

LeAnn Squier – You are upholding. Look, pillars in a building. Look around you look at these big beams, what do you call ’em? Posts that are going up and down. Those are pillars. They uphold things and they do not even have to move. They’re just stationary. And I believe that I’m seeing God is wanting you to know, you, when you’re in your position, whatever it looks like, you are literally upholding the temple of God. You are upholding that place that where God dwells. You are in the palace of the King. You are upholding. You are upholding. Without those, the roof would cave in. You are more important in your secret place than you could ever, ever imagine. So look, just raise your hand right now and say, Lord, get me in my secret place before you and I’m gonna stand and hold my position, even if it’s in the kitchen, wherever it is, in the school, whatever. And I’m going to see the body of Christ and the temple of the Lord prosper and be in health because I am holding and standing firm in the place you have called me to stand. And the Bible says, He upholds all things by the word of his power. If that word of power is in you, he is using you to uphold things. You are upholding things. Don’t move out of your position.

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