
Ten Doors of Access

Voices: Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce
Date Given: April 21, 2024

Chuck Pierce – And I say to you, that mountain of trauma that has always impeded you and stopped you from advancing, I say today, that mountain will be conquered. I say do not go up against that mountain the way you went up against it in the past. I say I have a path through it, and all you must do is step forward and you will gain 10 doors of access. New favor, new access, new direction, new entry. I say this is the beginning of you going through and not stopping this time. So command what stopped you in other seasons, command those stop signs to dry up, be gone, and shout, “I’m coming through.”

Keith Pierce – The Lord said, “Look and see how trauma has been harvested on the top of your mountain. Because, just like Mount Moriah, I will send a wind and remove the tears that the wheat inside of you will prosper again, will increase again, will bring forth a harvest again. What has hindered your harvest will be blown away on the mountain of trauma that you have held onto. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go and receive the fresh wind of my spirit as I blow across you this day.”

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