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Voices: Barbara Wentroble, Chuck Pierce, Keith Pierce
Date Given: January 6, 2019
Chuck Pierce – I say to you, many conflicts on the horizon. Over the next three months, you will protect your ears, protect your eyes, protect what you’re listening to. I say there will be many conflicts. There will be conflicts of political nature. There will be conflicts in the arena of religion. There will be conflicts over economic structures. I say to you, nations will accuse other nations. So I say, protect your ears. Protect your eyes. And do not enter into opinions quickly. I say allow Me to form the truth in you over these next three months And allow Me to put the words in your mouth that you need to decree.
Barbara Wentroble – And I keep hearing the Lord say, storm clouds are gathering. And know that as My wind blows I am causing the clouds to begin to form. For I say there are storm clouds that are gathering, but know that these clouds and these storm has come not to destroy My people, but to cleanse, says the Lord. For I’m going to blow out some things, says the Lord. Know that this storm is a cleansing storm to blow out that that would stand for unrighteousness so that My righteousness could rise up in the earth. God said, do not fear the storm. But I say if you will look at the storm, if you will face the storm, I will cover you in the midst of that. And know that I shall bring you through the storm. And you shall come through and you shall see My glory released in a new way. So I say know that My wind is gathering storm clouds but I say, do not allow fear to cover you during this time for I am the God who can speak peace in the midst of the storm. And I say I will give you My peace and you shall ride through the storm and you shall see Me as I blow out that that needs to be blown out so that I can establish My purpose in the earth.
Keith Pierce – Last night, I had this dream. And in this dream, I saw this tumultuous storm. And the storm was brewing and it was like this massive tornado that began to twirl and swirl and when it swirled, it would kick things out. And I looked in my dream and I saw the finger of God but I saw the little hand of man grab ahold to the finger of God. And I said, Lord, what are you saying to me? And He said, get ready. This will be a year of tumultuous winds but I am coming as the whirlwind to kick out what needs to be kicked out but to establish what needs to be established. Those that I call My children, if they will reach up in the midst of the storm and grab ahold of the Father’s finger, as a small infant grabs ahold of his. They will see me bring ’em up and bring them out and set them on top of the storm. And I will give them a fortitude to ride My winds, catch my winds, and not be kicked out, but be established in My name ’cause the Father’s eye is in the midst of the storm and His finger is extended this day.
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