
On to Ethiopia!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Dear Nation Changers:

I am presently en route to Ethiopia where I will be ministering this Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the capital, Addis Ababa.  This nation has an incredible biblical heritage, and I have prayed for it many years.  Alemu Beeftu has been working for years to lay the foundation for these gatherings, and there is a great expectation for the word I will bring to the nation.  More than 2,000 believers have been gathering for over a week of prayer and fasting to help create a prophetic portal for God’s word to manifest and take root in the land.  I encourage you to raise your expectation for what the Lord can birth in this nation in a day!

I will begin by ministering on Thursday afternoon at a special Week of the Holy Spirit healing gathering, and again on Friday at the “regular” weekly healing service with more than 3,000 expected.  Then on Saturday morning and afternoon, I will be ministering to over 2,000 political and church leaders as well as diplomats.  We will then fly home on Sunday, so do not let up in your prayers!

Joining me on this assignment are Aaron Smith,  Alemu & Genet Beeftu, Amman Beeftu, John & Sheryl Price, Marty Cassady, and Melinda Richardson, as well as Daniel & Amber Pierce, and Daniel Cohen from Israel.

Glory of Zion Jerusalem Replay!

As I shared on Sunday morning, we are now able to connect you into the worship gatherings at the Glory of Zion Ministry Center in Jerusalem.  Daniel and Amber’s first Sunday Service was just amazing.  In addition to Shiloh Ben Hod leading an extended time of worship, Myles & Katherine Weiss shared on the power of One New Man. As you watch the replay, allow a new level of joy to break forth in you!

Chuck D. Pierce