
The Impact of Your Kingdom Investment!

A Time to Secure the Global Spheres Center Debt Free!

Dear Securing Ones:

This is a time to see and refine your vision.  Out of that vision you can decree your future. We are in a Kingdom moment!  We must develop a testimony that will overcome the opposing enemies of oppression, injustice, and Holy Spirit resistors.  The purpose of this letter is to finish a testimony that began over 10 years ago. Let me explain.

In 2011, the Lord chose to move the ministry out of a facility that had become too small. I really had no idea what all would transpire as we stepped out in faith, took a deep breath, and obeyed.  Cindy Jacobs had prophesied publicly that the Lord said “Corinth” to her and that He wanted to use me to create a prototype that would represent His Kingdom plan for the future. I watched the Lord lead.  As we began to pray, and I continued to travel, the Lord had the group representing this large Boeing building that had set desolate for 10 years in Corinth to contact me. They knew that we had sizable gatherings in the area and wondered if we were interested in the facility.  I realized that securing this big, messy structure would require me to borrow money – when we already had land north of Denton. And on top of that, the process of restoring the building looked so ominous … I was overwhelmed. But the Lord spoke to me and said, “Do you love the people that I am gathering together for the future enough to go into debt for them? I loved you enough to pay your debt… I will walk with you and guide you.” I had never wanted my wife to be in debt, nor the church, His Bride. But I submitted. 

Upon purchasing the place, I asked the Lord how to begin and He said, “Begin the way that I began: plant a garden.” Then Daniel and Amber Pierce came and told me that they were called to Israel, and felt they were to move there to represent what we were about. This was in a time of war and made me very nervous. However, the Lord had told me how to start and now was also divinely connecting us to Israel in a new way. Then Rebekah and Nathan Faubion, my daughter and her husband, (who now live in Los Angeles) came and told me the Lord had directed them to move to New York City to pursue their careers. With more of my family moving away I felt my life was totally out of control, and all I could do was take a leaping step of faith and let God begin to rearrange everything around us. That leap of faith caused the Lord to bring us to the place where we are today, and you have been an integral part of what He has done.

This site of 41 acres is located on I-35, a major thoroughfare from Mexico to Canada, and has now become the prototype apostolic center known as THE GLOBAL SPHERES CENTER.  This is a Center that houses Glory of Zion International Ministries that communicates to a warring, prophetic remnant in all the nations throughout the earth. We have invested in Israel and still have our beachhead building there, Glory of Zion Jerusalem that Daniel and Amber Pierce established.  We also are a facility where the First Nations of North America align.   This Center is home to the Israel Prayer Garden, Beulah Acres Center, andSolomon’s Porch.  This portion of the ministry is used daily for community activities and helps to reveal what Israel will one day look like in full bloom.  Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists and farmers throughout the entire region gather here to train for the future.  Groups and organizations from all cities in the surrounding area use these facilities.  

This Center houses what is known as Global Spheres Tabernacle, which functions to gather, celebrate and worship a Living God whose Son died and resurrected for our redemptive purpose.  This Center is home to Illuminate! Creative Arts Studio, fostering an atmosphere of creativity where children and adults of all ages from the community can receive dance, music, art, theater, and vocal instruction. Likewise in this Center, Shiloh Fitness helps guide those in the community to become both physically and spiritually fit. This Center houses Restored Glory, a place where widows and retired individuals serve the community by helping to establish their dwelling places. We are in the process of completing the space called the Miracle Center to be used in many, many ways in days ahead.  This Center also serves as the Emergency and Disaster Relief Center for the entire area.  

This is a sending Center for Kingdom Harvest Alliance to reach neighborhoods, cities, states, and nations throughout the earth.  Peter and Doris Wagner pioneered the need for apostolic centers for Kingdom use in days ahead.  Peter Wagner’s Treasury Room is located here, as well as Global Spheres, Inc. This Center is well known as a pioneering portal for prophetic, apostolic prayer throughout the earth and is where the Global Spheres Prayer Tower resides.  This Center also houses the Be Whole Wellness Center, a resource helping individuals with their health and wellbeing.

God gave us this incredible property of 41 acres with all of its facilities for $5.5 million. The estimated value of this place now is well over $30 million so what has been invested has multiplied greatly. WE ONLY OWE $2.2 MILLION DOLLARS TO HAVE THIS FACILITY COMPLETELY DEBT FREE. We all have debt structures, but as Haggai says we also need to focus on the place He has chosen first, before we build our own houses and homes. In case of a severe change in economic structures in days ahead, we need to have this place fully free and clear of any worldly control and devoted for Kingdom use.  We need a place that, in case of emergency, the remnant knows where they can come.  The Lord quickened and pricked my heart about us getting the place we have all invested in out of debt. 

This is very good soil and a great Kingdom investment for all of our future. I know that any gift you send will be returned by the Lord for your future.  We love and appreciate you and thank you for your commitment to all the Lord is doing in and through this portal.  In the 10+ years we have dwelt here I have never felt to do this before. But after visiting with Ukrainian leaders and ministering to them while they were in their bunkers, I do believe this is the time to secure our future.  Let’s get this portal free and clear so we all can say we have a place that will not fall in days ahead.  You can give at www.gloryofzion.org, by calling 1-888-965-1099, or by mailing your gift to PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202.


Chuck D. Pierce