
21 More Days of God’s Happy Hour to Restore Joy to the Nation!

We are called to be a people of abundant life! (John 10:10). During our Celebration Service on June 23, LeAnn Squier stepped out to share that God’s people needed a HAPPY HOUR every day at 5 PM!  She said, “We need to have a happy hour! We need to gather in a place of joy unspeakable and full of glory. I saw our voices begin to put things out in the atmosphere – joy, breath, the Spirit of the Lord in the atmosphere! We declare a happy hour for the Body of Christ from day to day to day!” 

Many of you celebrated for the next 21 days – releasing joy into your atmosphere at the end of one day so you could begin the next even happier.  However, “God’s Happy Hour” doesn’t need to end!  LeAnn is developing a 21-day focus for all of us to continue allowing the Spirit of the Lord to lead us in daily celebration.  Here are the first seven days of her 21 Days of God’s Happy Hour to Restore Joy to the Nation!  Set your alarm to be happy at 5 PM and watch how your atmosphere will change over the next three weeks.

Day 1: Your God will rejoice over you!

Experience the JOY of God’s Happy Hour!  Train your heart to dwell in God’s ETERNAL NOW, and not in PAST regrets nor FUTURE anxieties!  His promises are eternally fresh and new, and His Word is forever settled! Declare your region will align with its HIGHEST potential and will become a delightful land!”

Read Philippians 4:4-6, Isaiah 62:4-5

Day 2: Master the Art of “The Pause!”

Master the art of pausing when you are overwhelmed!  Pause to breathe in God’s ever-present goodness.  Pause to breathe in the air of His VICTORY and hear the SONGS and SHOUTS that surround His throne! Experience how earthly heaviness begins to lift away, and JOY returns with the strength you need to do creative exploits! Release the JOYFUL sound over your region!

Read Psalm 121, Psalm 149

Day 3: Gather and Rejoice!

Good relationships are one of the most defining and satisfying aspects of living joyfully. Jesus revealed that love was actually key in obtaining fullness of JOY!  So, gather with your tribe and celebrate instead of isolating in pain! Trust that God has the right people in your life in every season and release those who may have left you or disappointed you! Declare that your region will heal from abandonment, trauma, and treachery and that covenant relationships will become the new standard!

Read Psalm 133, Ecclesiastes 4:7-12

Day 4: Change your focus to Ascend in Joy!

Persistent negative thinking takes us into a downward spiral, like an auger digging a deep hole from which we then must struggle to escape! But JOYFUL contemplation of the GOODNESS of God causes us to RISE and ASCEND out of the muck and mire! So, keep fixing your eyes ABOVE, upon the VICTORIOUS AND FAITHFUL ONE that loves you!  Declare that repetitive negative cycles are now breaking off the cities in your region and that depressed areas will be re-energized and will glow with bright new hope!

Read Psalm 27:4-6, Psalm 16:11, Isaiah 61:1-3

Day 5: The JOY of the Lord is strength for the climb!

Create moments of JOY every day in your journey to gain STRENGTH to climb over even the most challenging and difficult mountains! Push the PAUSE button when you get weary in the climb and do something you LOVE to REFILL your cup! Celebrate the ONE who is above it all! Breathe in the FRESH wind of Holy Spirit and gain new momentum to resume your climb! Declare, “I MUST CELEBRATE to strengthen my territory and the generations coming after me!” Release REFRESHING winds and NEW supply to battle-weary territories that have endured disasters and economic distress. Shout GREAT GRACE over your cities!

Read Zechariah 4:1-6, John 16:33, Isaiah 58:11-12, Psalm 47

Day 6: Righteousness, Peace, and JOY!

“YOUR KINGDOM COME…ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN” reveals God’s desire to do His work right here in the midst of our earthly mess! While we often look at the state of our affairs in utter dismay, He is UNDAUNTED by our chaos and brokenness, knowing He IS the cure! Declare over your region that those who LOOK TO HIM are radiant with JOY, and their faces are NOT ashamed! Declare that His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and JOY in the Holy Spirit will be established within the hearts of the people, and the territory will begin to shine like a city set on a hill and draw many to its brightness!

Read Psalm 34:5, Revelation 22:16-17, Isaiah 60

Day 7: Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!

Cut the power cord from your circumstances to your emotions! Release any past lingering grief from harsh life situations and trauma that you have endured. Trust that God will indeed work ALL THINGS together for good on your behalf! His love causes new wellsprings of JOY WITHIN YOU to spring up suddenly and supernaturally, even in the most difficult desert seasons of life! Declare that His river of JOY refreshes your region and that its valleys of weeping will become places of fountains instead of tears!

Read Psalm 46:1-11, Psalm 84:5-7, Psalm 144:12-15

Day 8: New Levels of Rejoicing!

Difficult seasons in life require MORE JOY to endure and overcome!
JOY lifts the heart, enlightens the eyes and upgrades our story!
JOY is like that sparkly disco ball that reflects light into the room
and throws off beautiful iridescent colors in every direction.
JOY is a mood lifter, and eye enlightener, and narrative changer!
JOY is like a bubbly bottle of champagne that announces that
the victory party has ALREADY begun! JOY has a power all its own!
In difficult times when we are struggling just to keep our faith stance,
JOY says, “Don’t just struggle, take a minute…let’s dance!”

Declare new levels of rejoicing are coming to your communities!

Read Psalm 23, Romans 15:13, Psalm 92:4, Psalm 51:12

Day 9: Pivot and Change the Narrative!

Life can be an endless stream of wonderful experiences but can also
quickly turn into a never-ending parade of earthly tribulations!
But there is a game-changing moment when we can choose to PIVOT,
shift our eyes to Heaven, and step out of our earthly trials to
commune with the ONE Who is our ever-present Source of JOY!
It sends ripples through the fabric of space-time when we are
not fearful of the odds set against us! Rejoicing in God in the midst
of trials has shaken prisons, broken chains, and released Angels!
It introduces an unexpected WILD card into the game and changes the
expected outcomes!

Declare that your region is uprooting old narratives and changing the game!

Read Philippians 1:27-30

Day 10: Happy Hour is a Training Process!

Ascending into a lifestyle of JOY is a process of training yourself
to think and act strategically instead of just wanting to vent
emotionally! Learning to celebrate is actually intentional living at its
finest! It goes against the grain of self-pity, chafes the apathetic soul,
and breaks us out of the mundane! It causes us to see our own
redemptive story from God’s HIGHEST vantage point and to participate
in the unfolding process! When darkness wears us down and wearies us,
JOY is the weapon that cuts through the red tape of the daily grind, causing
our eyes to open once again to what is vital and non-negotiable! Declare
that you are embracing God’s training process and that JOY is your novel

Release a new wave of strategic-level thinking over your region!

Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Day 11: Unshakable Joy!

JOY produces a flexibility in us that can ENDURE SHAKING while hardened
and UNYIELDING structures are much more likely to fail! We see in the
natural realm that buildings designed to withstand earthquakes have a
pre-determined flexibility that helps them absorb and dissipate seismic energy rather than collapsing! So when everything seems to be shaking in our world and old rigid structures start to fail, let the JOY in your core design from the
Creator begin to ACTIVATE and give you the ability to flex and move in ways
that enable you to KEEP STANDING in unprecedented times!

Declare that your region will gain new strategies that will keep them agile, flexible and buoyant in times of stress and uncertainty!

Read Psalm 40

Day 12: Turn Things Upside Down!

“Hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed!”

Walking in supernatural JOY gives us a unique perspective to reframe the
way we see events in our life and in the world around us; events that
otherwise might take our breath away! We can rise ABOVE earth’s
narrative so that we are not forever held captive to the moment of trauma!
In fact, what would have been meant for our undoing is actually turned
UPSIDE DOWN and becomes a benefit to us in the eternal plan. He turns
our mourning into dancing! He gives beauty for ashes! All things begin to
work together on a higher level playing field of purpose on our behalf!
Release trauma to gain triumph! See testing become your testimony!
Loose winds of JOY over your region that will overturn the ancient wounds
In your territory!

Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Romans 8:28

Day 13: Angels in the Outfield!

Trust in Divine intervention as you seek God’s highest and best for your
life and for your region! Open your eyes to see His Angelic help that comes
to assist! Don’t overlook the small things and pay attention to His hand that moves in unusual ways on your behalf! Let the ball come to you in HIS timing and swing away when He gives the signal! Give thanks for every divine gift and

Read Zechariah 2

Day 14: The Voice of Triumph!

Victory and Joy have a UNIQUE and unmistakable sound when they come together! Shouting, clapping, praising, rejoicing, laughing all merge together in a wall of sound to LIFT up the ONLY ONE WORTHY of all our devotion and all of our admiration!He deserves the HIGHEST praise, so let the release begin! Hear the song of saints on higher ground and join in the everlasting Celebration! Release songs of TRIUMPH over your region and your nation!

Read Psalm 47

Day 15:  Rivers in the Desert!

When anxiety, hopelessness and fear dominate the earthly landscape, JOY is always and FOREVER available as a powerful spiritual river from heaven that REFRESHES and renews! The world can feel like a parched and barren desert, but God opens up rivers in the desert and pour floods on our thirsty ground! HE is the end of our drought! HE turns our desert into a garden oasis! Declare that the desolate cities will receive the RIVER of God and become like watered gardens instead of wastelands! Decree that new life will spring up and that waves of JOY will bring refreshing to the thirsty!

Read Isaiah 41:17-20, Isaiah 44:1-5, Isaiah 58:11-12

Day 16:  Disrupt the Cycle!

When we are caught in old, recurring patterns that we can’t seem to break, let DIVINE JOY break in and DISRUPT the cycle! Introduce an UNEXPECTED TWIST in the narrative: REJOICE instead of the usual lamenting, PRAISE instead of always being frustrated, APPLAUD God’s faithfulness instead of despairing over your repeated failures! Set the stage for a new and different outcome! When we disrupt the old cycle, we introduce “a space of grace” where we can listen again to receive fresh new instructions! 

Release unexpected joy over your cities and declare that your region will begin to gain hidden insights to break repeating cycles of crime and poverty! 

Read Psalm 97 

Day 17:  Don’t Worry! (Be Happy)                                                       

But seriously! Chronic worry activates the body’s stress response system and elevates the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Worry impacts cognitiveprocesses like decision-making, concentration, and problem solving, and even suppresses immune function! So celebrating God’s Happy Hour is good medicine! Lay it all down and give your mind, body and spirit a time of refreshing in the Presence of the Lord! Let the waves of His goodness wash over you! 

Declare Psalm 144:15, “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!” over your cities and decree that a new creative approach to problem solving is coming into your region!  

Read Psalm 144, Proverbs 17:22, Matthew 6:25-34

Day 18: The Daily Grind!

Tension can easily accumulate and escalate through our day, so allow laughter to grease the wheels and reduce friction from the daily grind! Laughter actually triggers the release of endorphins which are the body’s feel-good chemicals and its natural painkillers. Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, and triggers muscle relaxation…all by God’s design. Laughter can enhance overall wellbeing and foster connections with others! Let God put the oil of JOY in the RUSTY places of your life so that you can laugh AGAIN and overcome all that is set against you! Let the creaking and abrasive sound of the daily grind be diminished, and allow the upgraded sound of laughter to fill your atmosphere! Declare that friction in your land is being oiled by a new JOY arising and old tensions are being resolved by new sounds of collaboration!

Read Psalm 126:1-3, Job 8:21, Jeremiah 30:18-24

Day 19:  Let it Move You!

Supernatural JOY expressed through dance and movement releases us into dimensions of FREEDOM and GRACE far more expansive than our imagined limitations! Let your hands and feet be UNSHACKLED and liberated to move according to the Father’s plan for you! Let your boundaries be extended as He intended. Take up new SPACE! You have divine access through JESUS, the ONE WHO PAID IT ALL on your behalf! 

Declare that your communities will be liberated from drudgery and enslavement to wrong ideologies and agendas! Declare that your region will find its unique garment of praise!

Read Isaiah 52:7-10, Isaiah 54, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 

Day 20: Let it Rise!

JOY doesn’t ignore the gravity of the difficult situations we face, but it has a unique way of creating a LIFT to rise above them! Much like a hot air balloon rising, as we enter into PRAISE, THANKSGIVING and REJOICING, new strength and breath fills our lungs and causes us to ascend above the limitations of earthly existence! 

From that ascended position, we gain NEW perspectives and FRESH insights from God, as well as a respite from the battle! Get buoyant in rejoicing and ask for clear VISION as you rise! Let go of every earthly weight of that hinders you! Release old grudges and embrace new grace for the UPWARD JOURNEY! Release the winds of change over your region and declare that your cities will gain new VISION and that you will become cities of RENOWN!

Read Zechariah 2, Ezekiel 34:29

Day 21:  Watered by the Rains of Heaven!

In Christ, you have become HEIR to a land of promise that is watered by the rains of heaven and cared for by the ONE WHO CREATED IT ALL. Step in to your assignment with a new JOY! Let resilience and buoyancy be fully restored within you as joy brings new STRENGTH to live as an overcomer. Create a life that testifies of God’s great LOVE and KINDNESS! Predetermine that you will choose to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS! Release mighty WINDS of sustaining JOY in the Holy Spirit to cover your nation in times of difficulty. Release the promise of Psalm 91 over your region! Believe that God’s BEST is yet ahead!

Deuteronomy 11:8-25, I Peter 2:9, Psalm 91

¡21 días más de la hora feliz con Dios para restaurar la alegría de la nación!

¡Un nuevo enfoque de LeAnn Squier!

Lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

Queridos Celebrantes:

¡Estamos llamados a ser un pueblo de vida abundante! (Juan 10:10). ¡Durante nuestro Servicio de Celebración el 23 de junio, LeAnn Squier salió para compartir que el pueblo de Dios necesitaba una HORA FELIZ (Happy Hour) todos los días a las 5 PM! Ella dijo: “¡Necesitamos tener una hora feliz! Tenemos que reunirnos en un lugar de alegría indescriptible y lleno de gloria. Vi nuestras voces comenzar a poner las cosas en la atmósfera: ¡alegría, aliento, el Espíritu del Señor en la atmósfera! ¡Declaramos una hora feliz para el Cuerpo de Cristo día a día!”

Muchos de ustedes celebraron durante 21 días, liberando alegría en su atmósfera al final de un día para que pudieran comenzar el siguiente aún más felices. Sin embargo, ¡”La hora feliz de Dios” no tiene por qué terminar! LeAnn está desarrollando un enfoque de 21 días para que todos nosotros sigamos permitiendo que el Espíritu del Señor nos guíe en la celebración diaria. ¡Aquí están los primeros siete días de sus 21 días de la hora feliz de Dios para restaurar la alegría a la nación! Configura tu alarma para ser feliz a las 5 p.m. y observa cómo cambiará tu ambiente en las próximas tres semanas.

Día 1: ¡Tu Dios se regocijará por ti!

¡Experimenta la ALEGRÍA de la Hora Feliz de Dios! ¡Entrena tu corazón para que more en el AHORA ETERNO de Dios, y no en los remordimientos del PASADO ni en las ansiedades FUTURAS! Sus promesas son eternamente frescas y nuevas, ¡y Su Palabra permanece para siempre! ¡Declara que tu región se alineará con su POTENCIAL MÁS ALTO y se convertirá en una tierra maravillosa!”

Lea Filipenses 4:4-6, Isaías 62:4-5

Día 2: Domina el arte de “¡La pausa!”

¡ Domina el arte de hacer una pausa cuando estás abrumado! Haz una pausa para respirar la bondad siempre presente de Dios. ¡Haz una pausa para respirar el aire de Su VICTORIA y escuchar las CANCIONES y los GRITOS que rodean Su trono! ¡Experimenta cómo la pesadez terrenal comienza a levantarse, y la ALEGRÍA regresa con la fuerza que necesitas para hacer despojos creativos! ¡Libera el sonido DE GOZO sobre tu región!

Lee el Salmo 121, Salmo 149

Día 3: ¡Reúnanse y relocíjense!

Las buenas relaciones son uno de los aspectos más definitorios y satisfactorios de vivir con alegría. ¡Jesús reveló que el amor era en realidad la clave para obtener la plenitud de la ALEGRÍA! ¡Así que reúnete con tu tribu y celebra en lugar de aislarte con dolor! ¡Confía en que Dios tiene a las personas adecuadas en tu vida en cada temporada y libera a aquellos que pueden haberte dejado o haberte decepcionado! ¡Declara que tu región será sana del abandono, el trauma y la traición; y que las relaciones de pacto se convertirán en el nuevo estándar!

Lea el Salmo 133, Eclesiastés 4:7-12

Día 4: ¡Cambia tu enfoque para Ascender con alegría!

¡El pensamiento negativo persistente nos lleva a una espiral descendente, como un sinsinero que cava un agujero profundo del que luego debemos luchar para escapar! ¡Pero meditar ALEGREMENTE en la BONDAD de Dios nos hace LEVANTARNOS y ASCENDER del lodo y el fango! Así que, ¡sigue fijando tus ojos ARRIBA, en el VICTORIOSO Y FIEL que te ama! ¡Declara que los ciclos repetitivos negativos ahora se están rompiendo en las ciudades de tu región; y que las áreas deprimidas se revitalizarán y brillarán con una nueva y brillante esperanza!

Lea el Salmo 27:4-6, Salmo 16:11, Isaías 61:1-3

Día 5: ¡La ALEGRÍA del Señor es la fuerza para ascender!

¡Crea momentos de ALEGRÍA todos los días en tu viaje para ganar FUERZA para escalar incluso las montañas más desafiantes y difíciles! ¡Presiona el botón PAUSA cuando te canses en la subida y haz algo que AMES para LLENAR tu copa! ¡Celebra al que está por encima de todo! ¡Respira el viento FRESCO del Espíritu Santo y gana un nuevo impulso para reanudar tu ascenso! Declara: “¡DEBO CELEBRAR para fortalecer mi territorio y las generaciones que vienen después de mí!” Libera vientos REFRESCANTES y NUEVAS provisiones a los territorios cansados de la batalla que han sufrido desastres y dificultades económicas. ¡Grita GRAN GRACIA sobre tus ciudades!

Lea Zacarías 4:1-6, Juan 16:33, Isaías 58:11-12, Salmo 47

Día 6: ¡Justicia, paz y ALEGRÍA!

“¡VENGA TU REINO… EN LA TIERRA COMO ES  EN EL CIELO” revela el deseo de Dios de hacer Su trabajo aquí mismo en medio de nuestro lío terrenal! Si bien a menudo miramos el estado de nuestros asuntos con total consternación, Él no está desmayado por nuestro caos y quebrantamiento, ¡sabiendo que Él ES la cura! ¡Declara en tu región que aquellos que LO MIRAN están radiantes de ALEGRÍA, y sus rostros NO son avergonzados! ¡Declara que Su Reino de justicia, paz y GOZO en el Espíritu Santo se establecerá dentro de los corazones de la gente, y el territorio comenzará a brillar como una ciudad sobre una montaña y atraerá a muchos a su brillo!

Lea Salmo 34:5, Apocalipsis 22:16-17, Isaías 60

Día 7: ¡Felices son las personas cuyo Dios es el Señor!

¡Corta el cable de alimentación de tus circunstancias a tus emociones! Libera cualquier dolor persistente en el pasado de las duras situaciones de la vida y el trauma que hayas soportado. ¡Confía en que Dios obrará TODAS LAS COSAS para el bien en tu nombre! Su amor hace que nuevas fuentes de ALEGRÍA DENTRO DE TI surjan de repente y sobrenaturalmente, ¡incluso en las estaciones del desierto más difíciles de la vida! ¡Declara que Su río de ALEGRÍA refresca tu región y que sus valles de llanto se convertirán en lugares de fuentes en lugar de lágrimas!

Lea el Salmo 46:1-11, Salmo 84:5-7, Salmo 144:12-15


Chuck D. Pierce