
Preparing for a New Season of Fruitfulness!

Dear Advancing Ones:

When we moved to the Global Spheres Center in 2011, the Lord told us to begin with a garden FIRST.  He said that the more we progressed in the Garden, the more we would display His kingdom in the Tabernacle.  God has an order, and unless we understand the power of firsts, we will not establish His foundation.  The Gardens here are expressing the times in which we are living.  We are in 5781/2021, and all years linked with 1 (one) are about reviewing roots.

As I shared in our “Watch Your Garden” Shabbat, we needed to make great shifts after the “Deep Freeze” that occurred in February.  Our fig trees did not survive, and other vegetation also had to be removed.  As a result of that record-breaking week, some things just died – they are gone and uprooted.  Other things died to their last form, but the root remained alive.  They are now coming back into a new expression of growth.  Still other things went into a state of deep dormancy, but are now bursting forth with a greater show of blooms and growth than we have ever seen.  The freeze and the root structures represent what God is doing in our lives. There are certain things that must end.  Certain things will express themselves in a new way.  And certain things that have been dormant will blossom more greatly than ever. 

Just yesterday, Pam and our Garden team planted our new fig trees and two olive trees.  As you watch this new beginnings video, ask for eyes to see what the Lord is “planting” in your garden.  Although your tendency may be to hold onto what prospered in the last season, I declare you will submit to the process that prepares you for incredible fruitfulness in this new season.


A Global Gardeners Graduation!

Earlier today, our “Global Gardeners” completed their Level 1 Program.  This new venture between Jr. Master Gardeners, Beulah Acres and Illuminate allowed 10 students to receive their achievement badges and be promoted to Level 2 for next year.  A special thanks to Daniel Arenas and Allison Lohse for all their hard work in mentoring and inspiring a new generation in the gardens!

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Chuck D. Pierce

A Window of Miraculous Healing!

Dear Advancing Ones:

This is a month when I AM God Your Healer manifests (Ex. 15:26)! Yesterday, as we began to sing There Was Jesus, the atmosphere changed and a window of miraculous healing opened for all of us. If we are to press to Pentecost and beyond, we must welcome Holy Spirit’s “rattling” and move in a new way! Enter into the worship and ministry from this Celebration Service, and open to The Healer breaking forth in you!

My Spittle Unmasks the Mask!

This month (Iyar) is a time of divine healing, and we saw The Healer manifest during yesterday’s service. This Prophecy Center video will help you invite Jesus to manifest in your life. Do not resist how He chooses to visit with His miraculous power.

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From Hood to Good!

Yesterday, we sent out Gerald and Junita Middleton into their evangelistic production of “From Hood to Good!” This stage play is a story of transformation, redemption and the God who made it possible. For those who are local and would like to attend this free outreach, the performance is this Saturday (May 1) at 6 PM at Lifeline Church (2800 Pennsylvania Dr, Denton TX).


Chuck D. Pierce

An Uprooting! Watch Your Garden Shabbat!

Dear Advancing Ones:

We are all going through transition! However, you don’t get into the new without completing the removal of the old.  We’ve been experiencing this shift at the Global Spheres Center both inside (with our office flooring) as well as outside (with vegetation that didn’t survive February’s “deep freeze”).  Our tendency is to hold onto what prospered in the last season, but sometimes the Lord chooses to uproot our past so we can be ready for a new movement. 

A “First” Garden Planting!

God has an order, and it will not manifest until we are properly aligned.  Unless we understand the power of firsts, we will not establish the foundation of what must initiate, as well as be foremost in, position and importance. When we first moved to the Global Spheres Center, the Lord told us to begin in the Garden.  Earlier this week, Pam planted all the native seeds we had been given by the First Nations.  We will be watching our garden to see how this “first” planting blossoms in the months ahead.


What Will Move Into Your New Season?

This short update from Chris Davidson on the Israel Prayer Garden will prepare you for Shabbat!  Watch for how the old is cleared out to make way for the new … even if you are uncertain what that may be!

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After the deep freeze we experienced here at the GSC, we had to truly assess the land and each area of the garden with new perspective. As we saw what needed to happen in order to fully bring each area into its NOW EXPRESSION, we had to follow the direction of the Spirit and do what our flesh may not have wanted to do! We cut down and removed the fig trees as well as many other things to make way for the new vision the Lord wanted expressed in the different areas of the garden. Many growers lost their stocks due to our deep freeze.  However, God is good and always keeps a remnant! We found a grower in Florida who has fig trees and they are on their way!  Not every fig tree will be replaced, as we are making shifts to move with the Spirit and express the new in a new season. Keep posted for what is to come!!!!

– Chris


Chuck D. Pierce

A New Church Arising!

Dear Advancing Ones:

At every new season in your life, the Lord comes to bring a prototype for your future. In His earthly ministry, Yeshua worked for over three years to develop the paradigm for His disciples to understand the new. As I shared yesterday morning, Peter is a great example for all of us. He got the new prototype in Matthew 16, but then lost it almost immediately afterwards. Similarly, we can embrace the new, but we must keep it to advance into our future! This is what caused me to read the Gospels and review what Yeshua taught His disciples about the Church. Without a connection to the last season, we cannot get into the new. We must study the “first” principles that allowed a new Church to arise. As you watch yesterday’s worship, prophetic release and revelation, take time to ponder all the key firsts that Yeshua demonstrated. As we move from Passover to Pentecost, I declare you will receive a new wind of Holy Spirit and demonstrate the new through you!

Ascend, Unseal, and Catch My Explosive Love to Move You Forward!

This Prophecy Center video from yesterday’s worship will explode your faith and help you ascend to a new place of vision and understanding. I declare this is your time to go through into your new!

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Chuck D. Pierce

Crossing Over With a New Foundation!

Dear Advancing Ones:

We are excited to be crossing over with a new foundation for our future!  As this short video shows, the flooring in our administrative wing is now complete and our offices are connecting in a new way.  You have been an important part of this transition, and we are declaring that you are breaking into a new order and alignment as we press from Passover to Pentecost and beyond.

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Iyar Firstfuits Covenant Dance!

As we learned on Sunday, there is revelation that the Lord only reveals to those who are in covenant with Him.  During the month of Iyar, He revealed covenant secrets to Israel, and Kingdom secrets to His disciples.  God’s “first” principle is built around covenant.  This special dance video by Illuminate provides a window into understanding covenant.  As you watch, I declare the covenant sound, movement and destiny within you is being unlocked!

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Chuck D. Pierce

From Passover to Pentecost, With an Issachar Anointing!

Dear Advancing Ones:

Iyar is my favorite month, since the Issachar anointing is so important to our future! Yesterday’s Firstfruits Celebration was a divine reset for every blessing the Lord wants to bring us as we cross over into the new. The Spirit of God declared, “If you will pour out, and seek Me first and worship Me first, I will reset the biorhythmic clock within you, starting today.” Do not miss this kairos opportunity to begin Iyar by pouring out your best to Him and aligning with His cycle of blessing. You are being sent forth into secrets, revelation, healing, perfect timing, a new place, and a new Issachar anointing!

Our Rosh Chodesh Celebration for Iyar was an incredible time of connecting, in God’s calendar, to cross over into the new. God has an order for your prosperity, built around His covenantal principle of “first”. Our worship and Firstfuits giving created a portal to acknowledge His faithfulness and thank Him for all of His provision. This helped unlock Kingdom revelation to cross us from Passover to Pentecost. As Robert Heidler shared, this month is a special time for understanding hidden principles of how to live in God’s favor and experience His promises. Be equipped to leave the old and press towards a new season of outpouring. During this month, I would encourage you to read Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21, and Acts 1-2. These passages will activate you to what is happening in the spirit world during Iyar, and help form in you a declaration that you are crossing over from Passover to Pentecost with an Issachar anointing!

Beulah Update: Connecting with the Community!

On Saturday morning, we were able to partner with Keep Corinth Beautiful in hosting a Rainwater Harvest Class at Beulah Acres CenterDaniel Arenas and Chris Davidson taught 14 students from our local body, as well as master gardeners and others from the community, on understanding watershed, rainwater and the residential benefits of using it properly. They also included a rain barrel demonstration in this first-time class.

Later that same day, they provided a tree planting demonstration at the Keep Corinth Beautiful Arbor Day in Corinth. Around 45 people, including many children, participated in that hands-on training. We are grateful to initiate new beginnings in the region – both in the land and the generations!


Chuck D. Pierce

Quickened by the Holy Spirit!

Dear Advancing Ones:

The Kingdom of God is based on a particular kind of power—the power of the resurrection! Through His resurrection, Yeshua established the power of the Kingdom, and it’s impossible to separate the Kingdom of God from the miracle-working power of God. Resurrection Sunday is an incredible time to celebrate Holy Spirit raising Jesus to life. This quickening ministry of Holy Spirit also enables you to receive the power of resurrection. As Robert Heidler shared, God quickens His Word, your spirit, your body, and His Church. If you were not able to join us, be sure to enter into yesterday’s worship, revelation and ministry time, and be quickened by the Holy Spirit with resurrection power!

A Week of Releasing Verdicts!

During our Resurrection Sunday Celebration, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “This will be a week that many verdicts are given. I Am the beginning and I Am the end, and I Am the God that produces justice. Know that I will be releasing verdicts. Look at the beginning after the verdict, for it is that beginning that I will bring nations into and people into. Know that this will be a week of change, and I will release the verdicts that are necessary to produce the outcomes that I Am ready to bring to the earth.” Choose to not only watch for the release of verdicts, but to embrace the new beginnings that He initiates.


Chuck D. Pierce