
February: A Difficult Month of Transition!

A NOW Word from Penny Jackson to Keep Your Focus on the Victory Ahead!

Dear Advancing Ones:

February is our transition month.  We are going from last year’s trials, habits, and even glories into new strength, new faith, and our next portion of glory. Last year I gave a word that February would be our most difficult month of transition. We have entered that moment NOW!  This word from Penny Jackson, a watchman over the Word, will help you navigate this month successfully. Read and meditate!

As I waited before the Lord on the morning of February 1st, He began to speak the following to me:

“The time has begun. You feel the start, the beginning. The soberness of what will happen next is in you this morning. It is now all business. Make all of your plans accordingly. You must be where I need you at all times. Let Me guide you, and let Me direct you. Stay in My Spirit and wait for Me to speak. All else must fall to the wayside. I will take care of the fall-out.

“This is a time of such focus. This is a time to heed everything I speak to you. Take nothing lightly. Nothing. Walk in obedience. Walk in My leading. Nothing else matters now. Listen for every nuance of My voice, every urge in your spirit, for surely I am speaking with My people now.

“Approach each day ready to hear what is on My heart. Wait for every word I speak that you might walk in tandem with Me. Place your hand firmly in mine, and do not fear. We will walk this together, and all will be well as we do.  Challenging, yes, but it will be well with you as you look to Me for everything.

“This is not a time to doubt or a time to hesitate. This is not a time to move ahead of Me. This is a time to wait, to listen, and to move when I say move. I will make it clear as you settle yourself before Me and listen. Don’t be afraid to hear what I ask of you.  Don’t dread to hear. What I ask, I will give grace for.

“Fear has no place in what we will do together in days ahead. Don’t listen to his voice.  Don’t let him speak to you. He is trying to. He will try to.  Greater am I than he, and he has no power unless you give it to him. Don’t.

“Victory is ahead.  It will come. Keep your focus on that when you don’t see it right away. It will come. Victory will come.”

A Strong Spirit of Days Ahead!

One of my very favorite verses that I have hung on to, meditated with, and really embraced as a life directive is Proverbs 18:14,“The spirit of man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?”  Not much is taught on the spirit of man, and yet that is where our testimony is built.  Tomorrow morning,I look forward to teaching on “A Strong Spirit for Days Ahead!” If your spirit gets crushed through life’s complexities and difficulties, you will find yourself depressed and weakened. So, if we are to be an overcoming people, we must be strong in spirit.  I hope you will join me at 9 AM CST as we advance in this month of transition and celebrate the revival of the spirit of man!

Shabbat Shalom,

Dr. Chuck D. Pierce