
A Time to Expand! A Time to Prosper! Restoring a Hebrew Mindset!

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.” (Is. 54:2)

Big changes are underway here at the Global Spheres Center! We are expanding and you are part of this movement!  Join us online this Sunday and declare, “I am going beyond and finding my way into expansion!” 

Dear Expanding Ones:

There is so much activity going on here at the Global Spheres Center.  Our Video Wall is nearly complete!  Our stage is extending to the right and left!  Our Welcome Center is taking shape.  New flooring is being installed.  Although passing through the Dire Straits is typically known as a narrow and confining place, we are dedicating this time to expand!

A Time to Arise: New Garden Video for Av!

This new video from the Israel Prayer Garden could not be better in showing us how to advance through the Dire Straits.  When you feel trapped or confined, take a deep breath and allow your faith to arise and make you buoyant!  Rise up with a new quietness and confidence, and receive a new movement of Holy Spirit in your life.


Shabbat Shalom,

Chuck D. Pierce

Pressing Through the Dire Straits!

Dear Advancing Ones:

We are presently in the time period known as “the Dire Straits.”  These three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz (which began at sunset on July 8) and the 9th of Av (which begins at sunset on July 29) are a mourning period commemorating the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple.  

PLEASE PRAY AND KEEP STANDING WITH US! We are doing just the opposite. WE ARE CELEBRATING AND WORKING and advancing in the process of updating the Tabernacle and developing new levels of communication. We are also establishing better ways to fellowship and gather in the future. Below are pictures of the Video Wall installation as well as the new Welcome Center.

We want to be very vigilant regarding any attempt of the enemy to breach our walls and bring us into defeat personally or corporately. This is not a time to grow weary or complacent, but to press through the narrow places.  Let’s find our place of watching and working as we establish this new vessel of worship and communication for a new era.

Chuck D. Pierce

Gaining Vision for a Time of Enlargement!

Dear Advancing Ones:

One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish.” (AMP). As I shared on Sunday morning, this is a key time to cry out for the revelation that will position us for our future. With regards to the Tabernacle construction, I am seeking the Lord for His vision of how this portal will look and operate in days ahead. I don’t want the success of previous gatherings to carry into the new just because it was our best for the last eight years. Rather, I want to understand God’s call for the Tabernacle so we can gain the vision to facilitate the desires of His heart. As you can see below, great progress is being made in the natural. In addition to praying for the safe and timely completion of this project, declare that in this season of enlargement we will corporately receive new vision for a new era.



Chuck D. Pierce

In a Time of Change … New Vision Arises! Tabernacle Transformation Begins!

Dear Advancing Ones:

One of my favorite books that I have written is Possessing Your Inheritance.  Published in 1998 and co-authored by Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, the opening chapter reads:

Change! Conflict! Fear! Wars! Rumors of wars! Generations battling generations! Generations warring within themselves! The world is changing so quickly that many awaken with anxiety to each new day. I agree with Rick Joyner who says, “Change is now coming on the world so fast, that the only thing we can count on is change.”   How do we respond to all the changes around us? Do they overtake us? Are we a people being tossed to and fro with every societal, environmental and religious change that comes along?

For many, change can bring fear.  Change is hard since we can’t see the future and yet are required to let go of what we presently know.  Essentially, there is a death that takes place, and for many this transition brings great fear.  However, God’s word declares: “Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times”  (Is. 33:6), and “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan. 11:32). 

In a time of great change, we know the Lord has directed us to leave behind the familiar and press forward with a major renovation in the Tabernacle and how we communicate in days ahead.  We are so grateful for your prayers and support in this process, as we seek to be guided and directed in His time and wisdom.  We are also believing for exploits – taking our available resources and causing multiplication to occur in many areas.  Below is the update I received on yesterday’s progress from Justin Rana:


  • The trussing for the screen is now in place
  • The backlight truss has been removed per plan
  • The front light truss has been moved back 6 feet per plan
  • The speakers have begun to be moved per plan
  • Stage tiers on order
  • Ordering additional drape tomorrow
  • Ordering additional lighting tomorrow


  • The carpet was ripped up and cleaned up today
  • The floor layout began in the back by the welcome center area
  • The new stage truss install began

All the teams are working well and at this point everything is ahead of schedule!

I also love this short video from my sister, Penny Pierce, who is overseeing the project. 

Tabernacle Update

I am declaring the changes you are encountering in this season will jar your vision to perceive the good future that awaits you!  If you would like to sow into the changes here that will help take all of us to the next level, you can donate by pushpay, by texting gloryofzion to 77977, by calling our office at 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231, or by postal mailing your gift to Glory of Zion, PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202. GIVE NOW


Chuck D. Pierce

There Will Come a Time … Receive the Finishing Anointing! The End is the Start of Your New Beginning!

Dear Advancing Ones:

Many long to step into the new but won’t accept the steps necessary to leave the past behind. There comes a time when we must take action to let go of one season and embrace the next. In other words, you will have to finish something to start new and fresh! There is an “action line” that the Lord requires each of us to cross so our hope can arise. Your willingness to be examined and found faithful produces a new capacity within you to finish well. Just as we see with the Tabernacle construction, we are at an incredible place of ending to receive our identity for the new season. Don’t try to control the new from last season, but make the choices you need to finish strong!

A Final Gathering to Prepare for a First Gathering!

When the Lord starts something, He knows how to bring it to completion. Yesterday’s Celebration Service completed an 8-year period of growth and development for the Tabernacle. Immediately after the service, we began the final stages of removing last season’s identity to prepare for the new. Consequently, for the next several weeks we will not be meeting in the Tabernacle on Sunday morning but will instead have webcast options. Continue following this transformation of the Tabernacle which will enable all of us to connect in a new way. I am declaring the Lord is removing the last vestiges of what would tie us to a good but no-longer-best expression of Holy Spirit’s movement in this new era.

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Chuck D. Pierce

Dreams Are Significant! Don’t Miss “The Finishing Anointing” this Weekend!

Dear Advancing Ones:

Many people are sharing their dreams at this time. Deep within us, God is unlocking our future through the revelation He is communicating in our dreams. I hope to do a dream interpretation seminar later this summer. There are three types of dreams that we find in the Bible.

1. A simple message dream. Joseph in Matthew 1-2 understood the dreams concerning Mary and Herod. There was really no need for interpretation; the dreams interpreted themselves.

2. The simple symbolic dream. Dreams can be filled with symbols. But when the symbolism is clear enough that the dreamer and others can understand it without any complicated interpretation … For instance, when Joseph had his dream in Genesis 37, he fully understood it as well as his brothers, to the point that they wanted to kill him. Even though it had symbols of the sun, moon and stars.

3. The complex symbolic dream. This third type of dream needs interpretative skill from someone who has unusual ability in the gift of interpretation or someone who knows how to seek God to find revelation. We find this in the life of Joseph in prison as well as when he interprets Pharaoh’s dream. In Daniel 2 and 4, we find good examples of this type of dream. In Daniel 8, we see a dream where Daniel actually had to seek divine interpretation.

I have two books that will help you understand dreams better, When God Speaks and The Spiritual Warfare Handbook (which contains When God Speaks in its entirety).  You can purchase either of these books for the discounted price of $8 (through July 17, 2020). 

Penny Jackson Shares Significant Dream

Penny Jackson, a dear friend of ours who is connected and commissioned from this ministry, recently shared this dream and as she did, the Spirit of God fell on me.  Seldom have I heard a dream more applicable than this one.

I was out driving for one of the first times since all of the confinements began. I live in Houston and was  looking for Memorial Drive. However, I took a wrong turn but still continued to enjoy the drive.  I started down a hill, hoping it might lead to Memorial Park or Drive. I was headed down a fairly steep, curving lane when a man came running out and yelled, “Mud!”  I saw immediately that I was headed into mud.

This man was older and was wearing a mask.  I turned my car to the right to get up out of the mud.  I then got out, and went up to where he was. I was so thankful to him. He was a nice old fellow. He offered me two $500 bills and asked if I would need them. I said, “No, I think I will be okay.” So he put them away. I said, “Well, maybe I better take one of those.”  Then he reached in his pocket and said, “Let’s see what I’ve got in here and what you get.”  I can’t remember what that bill was … maybe not as much … not sure.

His helper then appeared in the dream, and the setting seemed to be a mechanic shop. I saw that he had ginger ale on the shelf.  I said, “Oh, I see you like ginger ale, too.”  He said something I couldn’t quite hear. I asked what he said.  His worker responded, “They start off good but don’t stay good.”

I believe at the end of the dream, I saw my car slide forward into and be overcome by the mud.  Everything was in the car … purse, phone, etc.  I woke up planning what I would do in this crisis.

When I first heard this dream I thought about America.  I know that dreams have a personal connotation to each one of us, and I know that God gave Penny this dream to reveal things in her own life, but overall, I think this dream is for us corporately.  Mud in dreams mean things will change and get troublesome ahead.  Mud suggests that you are involved in a dirty conflict, stained with wine, involved in a messy situation, or stuck in a backslidden state of life where spiritual cleansing and repentance is needed.  

In the dream, notice that Penny was not in the mud, though her car eventually sank into leftover mud from a previous flood.  That is very significant.  Mud had gotten on her, but she had gotten out in time so the mud did not cover her.  The statement about the ginger ale (starting off good but not remaining good), is the same as the “mud” that is ahead. 

The vehicle that is currently propelling us forward in life will change.  We must be careful on taking any wrong turn in our lives in days ahead.  Even though things seem good, things are not going to turn out as good as we think.  However, there is a way of escape! You can find your footing ahead on solid ground if you do not hang onto the vehicle of your past.  Don’t let the MEMORIAL of your past be a hindrance to your future. In trying to hang on to certain memorial structures in our life, we could miss our future. 

Do not try to save everything that you have known in the past.  This could cause your past to become a detriment to your identity in the future.  I think of the last election and all of the mudslinging that occurred.  Lots of mud from the last election will try to overtake the next vehicle that will propel us forward this next election. Get ready. Don’t let the mud get on you. Take your opportunities for supply when they are given. Taste and see the Lord is good, but know that there are interesting times in days ahead.  But God!


Chuck D. Pierce