
On to Taiwan … the Prototype Nation!

Dear History Makers:

I am presently flying to Taipei, Taiwan for the national gathering, The Apostolic Kingdom Advancing: Taiwan, the Prototype Nation!  The Chinese Church is in a three-year window of accelerated rearrangement of vision, and it’s vital we continue to watch and pray for China during this time.  The eyes of the world are focused on this region, and I don’t believe it’s any coincidence we are here at the start of this new era. Accompanying me on this assignment are Aaron Smith and John Price,  as well as Robert Heidler and Linda Heidler (who flew out on Monday).  Daniel and Amber Pierce, in addition to Alain Caron and Paul Viglo, are already in Taiwan and we look forward to joining them there.

I will be ministering all day Thursday before flying home on Friday. We greatly value your prayers for the release of wisdom and revelation that will help develop this prototype nation.  We also appreciate your support for an international assignment of this nature.

Chuck D. Pierce

Setting Your Course for Glory!

Dear Advancing Ones:

Yesterday afternoon I landed in Dallas after returning from incredible meetings in Accra, Ghana.  Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams of Action Chapel International Ministries, along with Rev. Betty King, hosted our team.  The clarity of wisdom and revelation that came forth by the Spirit of God was just beyond.  In just a few hours I will be flying to Taiwan for The Apostolic Kingdom Advancing.  I could not continue pressing on from nation to nation without your prayers!

Chuck D. Pierce