
New Era Revelation – Do Not Miss!

We are in a NEW ERA! Join Justin Rana and Chad Foxworth as they introduce a compilation of prophetic revelation released by Chuck Pierce over the last 18 months or so. This video should begin to give you an understanding of where we are right now. Don’t miss it!

New Era Revelation


Chuck D. Pierce

Declare “I’m Ready for the Storm!”

We are in a NEW ERA. Storms may come, but by the grace of God He has made us ready! Watch this music video, “Ready for the Storm” from LeAnn Squier, Isaac Pierce, and Justin Rana. This is also a season where the Lord has created a divine pause. This second video, Desperado, with Isaac Pierce and Justin Rana, summarizes how the Lord is stopping our wandering, striving, and ambition. Our prayer is that many will find Him during this hour.

Ready for the Storm

Ready for the Storm




Chuck D. Pierce