An Escalation of Revelation and a Time to Declare, “Spring is Here!”
Dear Advancing Ones:
Welcome to Nisan … the month that sets the course for how you will rule in the year ahead! This “king” of months is when the Lord began to reveal Himself to Israel in a new way, and is a key time to leave behind the past and step into our future. Yesterday’s Firstfruits Celebration was so important because in Nisan we are fully passing over, through, and into the next year of this new era. This is the beginning, and the Spirit of God is saying:
“You have now begun and have entered the new journey I’ve destined you for. Even though you went through many trials and many stops in your life, you have entered, and you are advancing. Watch the stops signs and watch the road signs, for I Am going to start directing you in new ways – sending you to new places, sending you to new people! This is the beginning of your road above your enemies. Get ready! You will advance beyond your enemies and into a place where you will see manifestations you have not seen!”
This is an incredible word to print out and meditate on daily as we prepare for Passover 5781.
A Month to Declare, “SPRING HAS COME!”
Our entire Nisan Firstfruits Celebration was just amazing. The freedom to worship, the joy of giving, the flow of prophetic revelation, and the aligning of our time with God’s calendar created a faith-filled atmosphere for new beginnings to break forth! As Robert Heidler taught, Nisan is the first month of the yearly feast cycle, and may be the most important month of the year. The root word of Nisan (nissim) is MIRACLES. This is also the month when new life springs forth out of a cold, dead season. As we enter this first harvest season of the year, I decree there is a spirit of revelation falling on you to produce an escalation of revelation. You will go up and accelerate more quickly than you ever have in your life! Watch the replay and shout, “Spring is here!”
Spring in the Tribe of Benjamin!
Earlier this month, our Garden team focused on the tribe of Benjamin. Though we love to see the return of garden life, there comes a time when change is needed. By removing the large amount of blue sage in that area, we have now prepared it for new vegetation to express a new message. All the removed plants were distributed to both the Agroforest and terrace gardens so they can still be enjoyed in a new location. New colors are now bursting forth in Benjamin. In this month of new beginnings, I am declaring new manifestations are springing forth in your life!
Chuck D. Pierce