
Event Type Chuck Pierce Schedule


12feb7:30 amRhema Restoration Ministries7:30 am GMT 587 Upper Newtownards Rd, Belfast BT4 3LP, United Kingdom

13feb7:00 pmVoice of the Prophet7:00 pm GMT 117-120 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley DY1 3AL

14feb(feb 14)7:00 pm15(feb 15)5:30 pmThe European Gathering 20257:00 pm - 5:30 pm (15) CET Ellermanstraat 30, 1114AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht

20feb7:00 pmBirthing a Nation7:00 pm CT 7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210


01mar2:00 pmGreater Glory Conference2:00 pm MST 450 S Hamilton St Chandler, Arizona 85225

02mar9:00 am11:00 amFeaturedFirst Fruits9:00 am - 11:00 am 7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210Live Stream

08mar(mar 8)10:00 am09(mar 9)10:00 amAscend: Release the Sound & the Sons of God Into the Earth10:00 am - 10:00 am (9) EST 389 Seville Street Florence, AL 35634

28mar(mar 28)7:00 pm29(mar 29)11:00 amReleasing the Voice of Freedom7:00 pm - 11:00 am (29) EST

30mar9:00 amKing of Kings Worship Center9:00 am EST 219 Mt Airy Rd, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920


11apr(apr 11)9:00 am13(apr 13)11:00 amFeaturedPassover 57859:00 am - 11:00 am (13) 7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210Watch Live